J John Di Carlo OwlScoop.com Editor Moderator Oct 1, 2001 15,247 11,004 113 Yesterday at 10:21 AM #1 Good morning, Scoop listeners! We're taking mailbag questions for this week's pod until 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. We'll continue to talk more spring football and anything else you'd like to put on the agenda. Thanks as always for listening!
Good morning, Scoop listeners! We're taking mailbag questions for this week's pod until 10:30 a.m. tomorrow. We'll continue to talk more spring football and anything else you'd like to put on the agenda. Thanks as always for listening!
HALtheOWL Well-Known Member Gold Member Apr 2, 2002 1,327 902 113 Wayne, PA Today at 7:05 AM #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.