Interesting change from last years camp reports...


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Gold Member
Feb 14, 2007
Often at the beginning of these camps, the offense lags behind the defense. Last year the offense didn't just lag behind the defense, it got straight beat by the defense.

Listening to camp reports, we were all concerned because we heard all camp long that the defense was better than the offense. Many expected the opposite to be the case. So starting the season, people didn't know what exactly to expect. Was the defense worlds better than the year before? Was the offense just plain bad making the defense look better?

It was a couple of games for us to figure out the defense was in fact solid, and the offense was as bad as the defense was the year before.

This new year yields an interesting change. No longer am I hearing about how much further the defense is ahead of the offense. I find this interesting.

Obviously there are multiple possibilities just like last year from progression of the offense to regression of the defense. The most likely situation regarding the defense is that it is improved from last year. We have almost the entire two deep roster back at defense and we have had multiple red shirt players coming on along with maturation of many younger players. To think that the defense regressed would border on lunacy. Not to say that couldn't be the case, but most likely situation when thinking of the defense is that it has improved from last year. Not like the giant step forward it took the year before, but I would say it almost certainly is faster, stronger, and bigger than last year. And last years defense was at times dominating.

So that is why I find myself giggling like a little child when thinking about the offense. The offense is not behind the defense this year. Think about that. The offense is not behind what is a better defense than last year. So what could that mean? That really could mean a special thing for this team.

Many here no doubt are familiar with the John Lennon song Imagine. Well imagine that song but about the owls. It really is easy if you try. A defense improved from last year and an offense improved the level of the defense the year before.

I'm not going to lie. I have some of last years games recorded and I go back and watch a couple of them and heck I just fast forward past the offense. But imagine if you will a temple team where you want to watch the offense and the defense. The offensive line opening up a hole big enough for a speedy Armstead or Simmons to take it to the house. Wide Outs on either side fast enough to stretch the field. A tight end mismatched across the middle. All sorts of things actually opening up. And after we score, the defense comes out and destroys the other teams offense.

OK, that isn't going to happen every week, but the thought that it could happen some weeks has to be exciting.

I know we all hope that PSU will be overlooking Temple when we meet that first weekend. I just don't see how that is going to happen. Lets face it, PSU would be foolish to do so. Their coach will not allow that. They know what happened to vandy last year. Whatever happens, it is going to be a war. I just think our guys are going to want it just a little bit more that PSU will. We wanted it more in 2011, but a stale offense and defensive exhaustion eventually lost the game for us. I don't see that being the case this year.

Not that this is likely to happen, but lets continue along with our imagine theme. How many wins opening up will it take the city to embrace this team like this team has embraced this city? Work with me here. I am usually the slow and steady wins the race. I normally say don't set unrealistic sights. But this team is different. Hell, last years team was different as well. So lets do some imagining here. We have that expression philly proud temple tuff. We have embraced the city. Normally I say it will take years to grab the cities attention. But imagine if we start off going 2-0. Hell, the ultimate would be imagine if we go undefeated till meeting the irish.

I wouldn't normally allow myself to imagine that, but what the hell, these are potentially really special times to be an owls fan. Imagine we go and open the season by beating PSU. Sure many denizens of the city will simply chalk it up to luck. How about following it up with a victory over Cincy the next week? Well, people will start to notice. Imagine if the Irish and the Owls meet both undefeated. You talk about temple generating buzz? That would be such a buzz you would not only be buzzed, you would be falling down drunk. That likely would be

Think about that. I think the city would embrace the owls prior to that. Many here cry about the lack of publicity the owls get. How many articles, how many snippets on the news, how many bloggers all over the webs would be writing about the owls? If we don't have every newspaper clamoring for stories THEN I might finally say the papers really don't want to report on the owls.

So, this is all in the hands of the team and the coaching staff. This is not pie in the sky stuff this year. This is possible. Likely? No. Possible? Heck yes. And that is saying a lot.

So just allow yourself a few minutes to imagine the week leading up to a game between undefeated owls and irish. I won't allow myself to imagine anything beyond that. But think of the publicity. Think of the coverage. Think of the excitement.

Philly proud, Temple tuff!

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