Anyone who viewed the VT-WVU game on Sunday night came away impressed with the ability of a QB, who can run, changing a game. VT's QB J. Jackson, who is a red shirt Freshman, kept the WVU defense off balance all game with his shiftiness. The ability to break a pass play where all the receivers are covered into a 15 yard gain can not be over stated. This type of play opens the defense up and stretches the field. PJ had the talent to run, and used it successfully on many occassions.
I was very disappointed in Coach Collins only playing one QB the entire game. We are in the situation we are in because Rhule did not allow his back up QB's to gain live game experience last season. QB Marchi was OK, but he has no mobility. I sure would like to see what the other guys can do, especially our new freshman from Florida.
I was very disappointed in Coach Collins only playing one QB the entire game. We are in the situation we are in because Rhule did not allow his back up QB's to gain live game experience last season. QB Marchi was OK, but he has no mobility. I sure would like to see what the other guys can do, especially our new freshman from Florida.