We're recording The Scoop today shortly before 5 p.m., so if you have mailbag questions, send them here or to Twitter @OwlScoop_com.
So with the timing of everything today, we're recording the bulk of the podcast before tonight's game and will talk football, bowl game and recruiting, and then we'll record a basketball segment after the game. So if you have basketball-specific questions, keep in mind we'll be recording our mailbag segment before the game and will not have seen the game yet. But if you have lineup-related questions or anything non-game-specific, fire away. And I'm sure we'll have more dialogue about the game itself on the boards later.
Thanks so much as always for listening, and click here to subscribe to The Scoop on iTunes (it's free) if you haven't already.
So with the timing of everything today, we're recording the bulk of the podcast before tonight's game and will talk football, bowl game and recruiting, and then we'll record a basketball segment after the game. So if you have basketball-specific questions, keep in mind we'll be recording our mailbag segment before the game and will not have seen the game yet. But if you have lineup-related questions or anything non-game-specific, fire away. And I'm sure we'll have more dialogue about the game itself on the boards later.
Thanks so much as always for listening, and click here to subscribe to The Scoop on iTunes (it's free) if you haven't already.