Very good article plus illustrations in the current edition of Temple University Magazine regarding the revitalization of North Broad Street. Our proposed stadium is in the piece.
It's a big picture article about Broad Street from city hall up to well above Temple, which is a linchpin but definitely not the only participant in a renewal to make North Broad the grand boulevard it was. Parks, offices, residences, businesses, startup incubators, landscaping and etc.
Temple projects mentioned are the already thriving sports complex and "multipurpose facility" which in the drawing includes the stadium.with a "proposed opening 2020."
In the same issue is a story about Steve Charles, for whom our new library will be named. This beautiful and modern library -- even has an upper floor terrace to take in the views and airs -- overlooks the quad, a block sized park.
Worth a read. The stadium is a significant but not the only piece of this vision for Temple and North Philadelphia.
It's a big picture article about Broad Street from city hall up to well above Temple, which is a linchpin but definitely not the only participant in a renewal to make North Broad the grand boulevard it was. Parks, offices, residences, businesses, startup incubators, landscaping and etc.
Temple projects mentioned are the already thriving sports complex and "multipurpose facility" which in the drawing includes the stadium.with a "proposed opening 2020."
In the same issue is a story about Steve Charles, for whom our new library will be named. This beautiful and modern library -- even has an upper floor terrace to take in the views and airs -- overlooks the quad, a block sized park.
Worth a read. The stadium is a significant but not the only piece of this vision for Temple and North Philadelphia.