Fresh story about high level discord at Baylor in the WSJ can be accessed (I hope) by Googling its headline:
Kenneth Starr's Baylor Exit Followed Years of Inner Turmoil
Interesting reader comment below. Note its concluding comment:
"The board of pharisees always prevails in every dispute at Baylor. Was it Briles and Starr who received Title IX waivers on Sept 26, 1985? No, but they will be blamed for the repressive culture that has stopped students from reporting incidents to the school.
For those unfamiliar with the Baylor board, think of the regents as Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. The rules are exercised solely for the amusement of the people who make them. What do Baylor regents say before they pull the trap door on the gallows? "This is for your own good!"
I'm sure Starr and Briles are not blameless, but this episode has the hallmarks of a fundamentalist Baptist revolt. Expel and publicly shame the high achievers for sinning. Then panic, and hatch a dozen schemes to keep the endowment money flowing. It's all about the Green & Gold.
"I hope Rhule has an excellent attorney on retainer......I just noticed the pharisees hired a guy named Rhule. Can't make this stuff up."
GO Owls
Kenneth Starr's Baylor Exit Followed Years of Inner Turmoil
Interesting reader comment below. Note its concluding comment:
"The board of pharisees always prevails in every dispute at Baylor. Was it Briles and Starr who received Title IX waivers on Sept 26, 1985? No, but they will be blamed for the repressive culture that has stopped students from reporting incidents to the school.
For those unfamiliar with the Baylor board, think of the regents as Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. The rules are exercised solely for the amusement of the people who make them. What do Baylor regents say before they pull the trap door on the gallows? "This is for your own good!"
I'm sure Starr and Briles are not blameless, but this episode has the hallmarks of a fundamentalist Baptist revolt. Expel and publicly shame the high achievers for sinning. Then panic, and hatch a dozen schemes to keep the endowment money flowing. It's all about the Green & Gold.
"I hope Rhule has an excellent attorney on retainer......I just noticed the pharisees hired a guy named Rhule. Can't make this stuff up."
GO Owls